InFLAMES Research Flagship offers support for researchers FLED from Ukraine


InFLAMES Research Flagship offers support for researchers (for all career stages) in the field of immunology, immunology-based drug development and/or diagnostics who have been displaced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

University of Turku Research Flagship InFLAMES: Innovation Ecosystem based on the Immune System is a joint effort of University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University and the associated ecosystem. It produces break-through knowledge on immunological principles and diseases. The Flagship also aims to provide novel discoveries which lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory disorders. Innovations, internationally recognized scientists, an extensive state-of-the-art research infrastructure and academy-industry interactions form the foundation of the InFLAMES Flagship research.

We offer support for at least three months, but a longer period may also be possible up to 12 months.

If you are interested please apply for a grant here: Call for applications.

Please contact InFLAMES Project Manager Kaisa Hakkila ( for further information.