InFLAMES Flagship Strengthens with Four New Postdoctoral Researchers
The InFLAMES Research Flagship (Innovation Ecosystem based on the Immune System) and its first selection process for postdoctoral researcher positions has been completed. Four postdoctoral researchers have been selected by the InFLAMES Executive Team. They will strengthen InFLAMES research groups of immunological research.
The InFLAMES postdoctoral positions received 63 applications. The applicants were from 23 different countries and 87 percent of the applicants reported a nationality other than Finnish. Through a two-step selection process, the InFLAMES Executive Team selected four postdoctoral researchers. The selected applicants may begin their employment period as soon as possible and work at the InFLAMES Flagship until the end of the 2024.
– We are delighted to see such a high number of applicants in this call. It clearly shows widespread interest in the InFLAMES Research Flagship, says Director of the InFLAMES Flagship Sirpa Jalkanen.
The InFLAMES Flagship Executive Team made the selections based on evaluations and interviews. Particular attention was paid to the applicant’s research field, which should support the InFLAMES Flagship research profile: immunology or immunology-based drug development and diagnostics. The applicant was required to be able to join at least one of the InFLAMES research groups. In addition to this, emphasis was placed in the selection process on the applicant’s scientific and academic achievements, career stage, and international experience.
Selected InFLAMES Postdoctoral researchers and research groups:

Research Groups of Marko Salmi and Pieta Mattila
We will investigate the spatiotemporal organization and function of different dendritic cell populations in lymph nodes and their ability to trigger different T cell responses. The study enables us to design novel antibody therapy approaches to improve vaccination efficacy.

Research Group of Pirjo Nuutila
Our research project (IMMUNOBAT) aims to elucidate the crosstalk between the brown adipose tissue and immunological system in humans, through the combination of sophisticated radioimaging techniques and in vitro experiments and assays.

Research Group of Riitta Lahesmaa
Our study aims to understand the epigenetic mechanisms that control human regulatory T cell (Treg) development and function. The results will bring in-depth understanding of Treg development providing basis for new therapeutic strategies.

Lea Mikkola, Turun biotiedekeskus
Research Group of Tapio Lönnberg
We aspire to elucidate the role of immune responses in aterosclerosis and osteoarthritis by utilising single-cell and spatial transcriptomics approaches. We aim to identify novel biomarkers and targets for therapeutic interventions for these complex diseases.
New Call for Applications for Postdoctoral Researchers in Autumn 2021
The InFLAMES Flagship will complement its research teams with postdoctoral fellows by organising the second call for applications for postdoctoral researchers in the autumn of this year. In this call, a maximum of five postdoctoral researchers will be recruited.
The InFLAMES Flagship is a joint effort of University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University and the associated ecosystem. It aims at being an internationally recognised, top-level immunological research and development cluster attracting both researchers and business partners. It will produce break-through knowledge on immunological principles and diseases. The Flagship also aims to provide novel discoveries which lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory disorders.
Currently, the InFLAMES Flagship recruits a maximum of four part-time (or two full-time) clinical postdoctoral or senior researchers (Fellow) and one project specialist or postdoctoral researcher in medical bioinformatics.